Sort of… kind of

I guess you would kind of call this a blog entry? I don’t normally use my website as my blog but I’m going to today.

We have moved into our new house and we love it. Now I just need to find the time to unpack, decorate, work on client projects, refinish furniture for the store, run a store, be an incredible mom and wife…Lord please help me!

Last week a friend of ours told my husband to ” paint a big   H  on your chest and HANDLE IT!”  We laughed about it and took the comment for what it was, a funny and truthful reality check. After a few days I thought of a better one and told my husband ” Paint a big  G  on your chest and let GOD handle it!”

We have to remember that anything is possible through God and Jesse and I are proof of that!

So with that said thank you to everyone that has helped Jesse and I through these past 3 months. We have incredible family and friends!