Booth #83

So its official Poshbarnians {my new name for my blog followers, High Five} my booth is set up and ready for the crowds ๐Ÿ™‚

I’m so very excited! Everyone that I met today was so nice and willing to help. I feel that I am going to fit in well there. That feels good!

The family day started off by having breakfast at Pittsburgh Willies {restaurant inside Merchant Square} honestly the BEST french toast I’ve ever had! After breakfast we started to unload all my fun goodies. The girls and Jesse helped get it all in. Then the fun of setting up began. This is where Jesse and the kids got to shop around. One of Austyn’s favorite things to do. Both my girls absolutely love Merchant Square.

I got it all set up but I didn’t have enough tags so I will be back tomorrow morning to put the rest on…yay!

Time passed by

I was on one of my favorite blogs the other day and she did this really interesting thing where she took a picture of what she was doing every hour and then put it all together for her readers. I LOVE this idea. I thought it would be so interesting to see where I spent the most time. Iย conquered this task yesterday and here are my results…

5:45 Wake up

6:45 got dressed

7:45 Picked up some bookcases to refinish for a client

8:45 worked on furniture

9:45 Helped customers at my husbands shop

10:45 started a reupholsteringย  job my husband so graciously set me up for {sigh}

11:45 Got some lunch for my husband and Rich

12:45 Set up for my class at PZB

1:45 Teaching Class

2:45 Spent some time with Lisa at PZB

3:45 Helped Austyn with her homework

4:45 Took some advise, from my favorite designer, on the color of this piece

5:45 Ate dinner with the girls

6:45 On our way to “Glamour Night” at the girls gym {sleepover PARTY TIME}

7:45 IKEA

8:45 drinks with Jesse…Well I guess I should say I drank and he ate ๐Ÿ™‚

9:45 Jesse and I rocking out to the 80’s “slappin the base mon” {good times!}

10:45 FB

11:45 oddly enough it really was 11:45 when I laid down for bed

Activities today

I’m sure somebody will be upset about this one. This is a really, really old school desk. My grandma owned it, my mom had it, and now I have it. Of course you can’t give me something like this and expect it to stay original. This is the part where some of you might cringe but don’t fear I’m not going to paint it. I’m actually going to restore this or maybe I can call it a partial restore. I’m not going to take it apart to restore it so the inside of the desk will not get any tlc {tear} i know. Should be interesting to see how this turns out. I will use it as display in my vendor space.

This next picture is really just a fun shot so that you can all see that I am utilizing my space well ๐Ÿ™‚

Moving on up to the East side!

For the longest time I’ve worked in my garage. It is always a struggle because I tend to just take over a space with all my “stuff”. My husband owns a shop and I’ve moved in with him {family time!}. Honestly he loves it ๐Ÿ™‚ It’s not pretty but it’s awesome!

So it’s a work in progress but I’ve got all my stuff moved over except my huge tool box that will probably take 4 people to move. Look at all my space though! I can’t wait to see how much more I can get done… yay!