Kids Bedroom Makeover

About 2 weeks ago my oldest said she wanted a bunk bed. She was going to use her money to buy one…so the search began. We searched CL and then we started in on the furniture stores. CL was expensive and the furniture stores were 100 times worse! I honestly couldn’t believe how expensive bunk beds were. My oldest is one of those “instant gratification” type of people  so when I brought up the “I can just build you one” idea she was not excited. Honestly I think she thought there was no way her mom could build a cool bunk bed {because I’m so lame}. Anyway after a few days of searching and much convincing I started on building a bunk bed. I went to my favorite site and searched bunk beds. I found this one and knew it was perfect. Of course I changed it up a bit but the plans from this site are AWESOME!


Here is a picture of their bedroom before. Of course true to form I forgot to take a true before picture but honestly and sadly it did

look a lot like this

And here is the after pics. New paint, bunk bed, comforters, and some wall art. The kids love it! Jorja actually told me that when she asked for a bunk bed she had no idea that she would get all this 🙂

Hope you all enjoy. Have a great weekend

Tip Junkie handmade projects

I’m a Reality TV Star! {not really}

For a while now I have been trying to come up with something different for my blog and FB readers. I honestly envy all the time some people are able to put into their blogs. I wish I had this time!! Their efforts definitely show!

Most of the blogs I read have awesome tutorials. I did a couple of video tutorials but … I don’t know it just didn’t seem to work for me. Sooooo I came up with live streaming! I don’t know of any blogs that do it and it is such a great way for all of you to see what I do when I’m working 🙂 I hope that it will show my readers how to do something you have been wanting to take on yourself or maybe just give you some good ideas.

Sometimes you may catch me streaming live and other times you will be able to view the last project I did. Hope you all like this!

You can click on the link above or go to the Posh Barn Live page

Island Life and Things that Inspire


The family and I had a wonderful opportunity to vacation in our favorite place this last week. I just got home and I have to say it is bitter-sweet. We actually started talking about moving to Coronado Island years ago when we first visited and this time we all really took a look at it as a possible reality. I mean really how could I not want this vision on an everyday basis 🙂

These two faces make it all worth while

I grew up on the beach for most of my life so this just feels like home to me. I love the beach. I love the sand. I love the water.

I am inspired by everything beach. The wood, colors, flora and fauna.

my favorite picture of all. Maybe because it looks so much like my PoshBarn stamp for my tags.

I am definitely doing this in my front yard!!!

Did any of you find any inspiring images this weekend? Feel free to post if so.

Have a good week