Kitchen Perfection


I was lucky enough to build some floating shelves for a clients kitchen makeover. We have been adding new items along the way and the shelves were the finishing touch. We will be adding a backsplash soon and I’ve been thinking of doing a tutorial on that. stay tuned but for now here are some before and after photos.










My Bedroom Inspiration

I am building a new bedroom. Not the actual room just the stuff inside. I take most of my inspiration for furniture from Pottery Barn. Thankfully I was able to find my bed plans on Ana White.  I wasn’t able to find the plans for the pottery barn dresser I want but that is ok I will get it done. I will continue to update the blog and let you all know how the progress is. So far I’ve got my bed completed I just need my new mattress which gets delivered on the 23rd of January. I will put it all together and have myself a little photog day!

Inspiring Bed Linen from Ikea

Lots of linens

Inspiring Bed from Pottery Barn

pottery barn bed

Inspiring Dresser from Pottery Barn

pottery barn dresser

Inspiring Side Table from Pottery Barn

pottery barn side

The little things that inspire

It’s time for me to get started on a new piece. This one is going to be a big one and I have pulled inspiration from two things. {1} The class I’m teaching tomorrow on “making your own wooden countertop” and {2} my “french word dresser” that I made awhile ago. I love those little bursts of inspiration because they make me want to get the project done now!