I’m working on some stuff…

Kids have gone back to school. This gives me time to get some things done. After building a closet organizer for one of my clients I decided to use the left over materials to build an Entry way locker. It’s not actually a “locker” but it can be used for shoes backpacks and such. Not done yet but it’s coming along. I also built Austyn a book shelf. Check it out 🙂

Long Time No See

Hi there everyone. Oh I know I have been gone for a while. Not exactly sure,  maybe just been busy and tired. I think the bunk bed took a lot out of me 🙂 One thing the bunk bed really taught me is that I really, really like to build my own furniture. Don’t get me wrong I really love to refinish furniture but I have really enjoyed designing rooms and building furniture. Building furniture takes so much more time than refinishing though! I think I will stick to building furniture more than refinishing… maybe.

Here are a few pics of things I’ve been working on. All of them are available in my space at Merchant Square.

Canvas Picture Hooks

Pottery Barn Knock Off Shelf


Table Before and After

This is actually an old picture of my table before. It was the same table as I did this weekend but of course

I forgot to take a picture.


Book Page Coat Rack

So that’s all the stuff I’ve been working on! Have a good week! Thanks for reading 🙂

Kids Bedroom Makeover

About 2 weeks ago my oldest said she wanted a bunk bed. She was going to use her money to buy one…so the search began. We searched CL and then we started in on the furniture stores. CL was expensive and the furniture stores were 100 times worse! I honestly couldn’t believe how expensive bunk beds were. My oldest is one of those “instant gratification” type of people  so when I brought up the “I can just build you one” idea she was not excited. Honestly I think she thought there was no way her mom could build a cool bunk bed {because I’m so lame}. Anyway after a few days of searching and much convincing I started on building a bunk bed. I went to my favorite site ana-white.com and searched bunk beds. I found this one and knew it was perfect. Of course I changed it up a bit but the plans from this site are AWESOME!


Here is a picture of their bedroom before. Of course true to form I forgot to take a true before picture but honestly and sadly it did

look a lot like this

And here is the after pics. New paint, bunk bed, comforters, and some wall art. The kids love it! Jorja actually told me that when she asked for a bunk bed she had no idea that she would get all this 🙂

Hope you all enjoy. Have a great weekend

Tip Junkie handmade projects